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About me;

         First, a little background information on myself; My name is Heaven Henry and I have always loved to travel. It all started when I was in 6th grade and I went to Costa Rica for the first time with some classmates to study the different cultures they had to offer. Since I was so young, I didn't really take away as much from it as I wish I could have. My next big "trip" was when I went to Germany in 7th grade with a few other classmates in an exchange program. I stayed with my host family for three weeks, and it was quite the culture shock for me, not to mention I was incredibly homesick. Although, it was still a great expirence for me and I was happy to have gone through with it. After Germany, I decided I didn't plan on traveling far for awhile, and that I was perfectly happy staying in the U.S. but of course, that was short-lived because a few years later my select soccer team had the opportunity to play in the Donasti Cup in San Sebastian, Spain. While on this trip my team and I also visited Barcelona, London, Madrid, and a few other places. I had an absolute blast with my family and best friends, and ever since high school, I have had a bad case of the travel bug. 

      Now that I will be a junior in college at Eastern Washington University, I decided that this was the perfect time to step out of my comfort zone and study abroad in Puntarenas, Costa Rica through an organization called USAC. I will be taking a series of Spanish classes in hope of helping me obtain a minor in spanish. I will be there from the middle of August to the start of December, and I could not be more excited/nervous! For more updates on my trip, you can visit my social media sites as I will be uploading pictures there as well. I hope you enjoy my page!


**If you're interested in learning some fun facts about Costa Rica, and Puntarenas follow the two links to the right!


Knee Deep - Zac Brown Band
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