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Three Weeks Down!
Wow! I can't believe I have already been gone for three weeks! I also can't believe how much I have learned in that time! Last week was a...

The night before we left for Jaco for the weekend, a few of us decided to try out this Italian resteraunt that we had heard good things...

It's been a long week
Wow sorry I havent been posting very much lately. The wifi at my new house it less then alright so I can't blog while I am at home...

One week down
I cant believe I have only been here a little over a week! It has definitely been a roller coaster of emotions, but I am so glad I...

Happy Friday!
Today has been a good day! I woke up at 7 and got papaya, apples, and bananas for breakfest which was a really nice change! Not to...

Exciting news!!
So I won't get into detail but it just wasn't working at my original house that I was placed in. I brought it to the person that was in...

Let's be real... Had no idea it was humanly possible to sweat as much as I do here. Like yikes. My day kind of goes like this... Wake up:...

Learning the hard way
I am going to keep this post short and sweet; I have had an AMAZING past two days here. Even though I have Spanish class every morning...

First day of classes!
Yesterday I had orientation to learn about safety and what time classes would be, etc. I had such a great time meeting all the teachers...

Yeserday was a very long day. Right now it's nearly impossible for me to sleep in because my body hasnt adjusted to the climate yet, so I...
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