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First day of classes!

Yesterday I had orientation to learn about safety and what time classes would be, etc. I had such a great time meeting all the teachers and I made some really great people! After orientation, USAC provided us all with a dinner, and we had a choice between fish fillet, chicken and rice, and shrimp and rice. I of course chose the chicken and rice, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that the meal came with papas fritas... or in english fries. They were actually delicious, and it was the best meal I have had so far. Dinner got over around 8:30pm so by that time it was dark, and I started getting a little nervous because I still had no idea how to get home as I hadn't been showed how to, and we went a completely different route getting their earlier in the day. Long story short, I ended up getting very lost and walked around for a long time trying to find my home. Eventually a Tico (costa rican) couple pointed me in the right direction and I finally made it home, but by then I was so exhausted and my feet were covered in blisters that I couldnt stop crying! Pretty embarassing when my host mom asked me why I was crying and I had to explain that I was lost. Anyways, I'm safe now and I made sure to map every part of my walk to school today and I made it back with no issues. I am one of the farthest people 25 minutes but feel like an hour in this heat) away from the school which is kind of a bummer but ya win some and ya lose some.

My scheudle for the next quarter is as follows:

M-F Spanish from 8am-11am

M Latin American Dance class from 4-5:30

Th- Latin American Cooking from 6-8pm

My teacher is absoultely awesome for my Spanish class, and in the Tico culture it's common to have 15 min coffee breaks every hour which I definitely wasnt complaining about!! My teacher speaks english very well although he talks in spanish a lot of the time. It's nice in a way because it will help me learn faster which makes me happy! My homework for tonight is to try and memorize as much of the Spanish alphabet as possible, speak with my host mom for 30 minutes, and memorize 3 new words of objects from my room. Today for the last hour of class we had conversations with each other and watched quite the interesting video...... I will post it below for you all to watch for your own entertainment :)

I am very excited for tonight because every Monday, we meet at USAC and play soccer! I may or may not die due to being out of shape and the heat, but I cant wait!

Meanwhile, I am slowly adjusting to the heat but it's still quite hard for me to sleep. Since my walk is so long in the morning, I showed up to school dripping sweat, while most everyone else that lives closer seemed fine! Thank GOD the classrooms are airconditioned...

My bug bites are so bad on my leg that they actually hurt, and none of my anti-itch cream seems to be working so that's not really fun. It looks like I have a skin condtion because I probably have over 40 bites throuhgout my body!


pray that I dont pass out at soccer ;)

What i've had for breakfast every day so far...


The pool inside my school

and the "gym" lol

View from my school today

View from school

Dinner last night

1/10 of the bug bites I have....

Knee Deep - Zac Brown Band
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