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Exciting news!!

So I won't get into detail but it just wasn't working at my original house that I was placed in. I brought it to the person that was in charge of the housings attention about 3 days ago that I would really like to change houses. I obviously had to provide a valid reason as to why I wanted to leave, and after our conversation she said I was able to! Yesterday I got to meet two different families and look at their homes, then from there I had to choose which house seemed like the best fit for me. I ended up choosing the first home, and they are a cute little retired couple with a gorgeous house. (Both houses I looked at were beautiful). The director said I had to stay one more night (last night) at my old home so that my new family could prepare the house for me!

I'm not going to lie, it was very awkward having to deal with this switch as I didn't want to offend anybody, and it was really hard for me to work up to courage to even talk to the housing director in the first place. But at the end of the day I decided that I am going to be here for 4 months so I needed to do what was best for me in the long run! I had class until 11 this morning, then I went directly to my old house to fetch my things and brought them to my new home! I am offically moved in!!!!!!!! Couldn't be happier.

The first thing I plan on telling my new family is how much I love friut!! (I didn't get any at my old house.)

Anyways, thought I would fil everyone in on what has been happening these past few days! I will post pictures of my new home soon!

P.S. can't wait until I get more then 1 meal a day :)

Took this picture on my walk to school. The flowers are so beautiful here!

My new favorite pringles, they are delicous. Except, I don't enjoy having them for lunch and dinner two days in a row :/

Knee Deep - Zac Brown Band
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