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Happy Friday!

Today has been a good day! I woke up at 7 and got papaya, apples, and bananas for breakfest which was a really nice change! Not to mention, I had some really great homemade juice to go alone with it. After that, I headed to school for my daily Spanish classes. Every other "level" of Spanish class went on a field trip besides mine (because tour was in Spanish and we are the begininng level class) but it was okay with me because once I walk a long distance in the heat I dont stop sweating for a long time.... lol. I have class from 8-11am every morning, but with the tico lifestyle its common to have coffee breaks. Which means every hour of class, we get about a 10-15 minute break! It's great. Rather then going on the field trip we got these amazing breakfast type sandwhiches that were deep fried and had seasoned potatoes in the middle.

Photocred goes to Maura for this one ;)

After classes ended at 11, I went home to relax and have lunch. My lunch was delicious and it consisted of spagetti noodles with a type of cheese sauce (it actually looked a lot like kraft mac and cheese sauce) and then steamed plntains. Wasn't a huge fan of the plantains but everything else was great! Around 1pm a bunch of us Gringos (another name for foreign person) headed to the pool to cool off! The pool was really pretty and felt cool to cool down, but it was very shallow!

After the pool I was actually feeling pretty tired so I went home and relaxed in my room and caught up with people from home! In Costa Rica it's also common for people to close up their work place and go home for a siesta (lunch and a nap) so I decided to see if the "siesta" life was for me, and it definitely was ;) I slept a little longer then planned (4:30-6:30) but I feel well rested now! I'm very excited for my field trip tomorrow where I will be going swimming and ziplining. Wish me luck!!

Yes, the sides of my hair can't be tamed here as you can see in the picture.... LOL

P.S. GOOOOOOO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Knee Deep - Zac Brown Band
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