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One week down

I cant believe I have only been here a little over a week! It has definitely been a roller coaster of emotions, but I am so glad I decided to step out of my comfort zone and come to Costa Rica! I have made great friends, and my spanish is improving each day. My family is great and they try to help me as much as possibly (so does my spanish translator). I'm not going to lie, there are times when I find myself getting really frustrated with myself because I can't communicate as well as I want to be, but today at breakfast my host dad said "Esta aprendiendo rapido" which basically means "you are learning fast" so that was definitely a compliment.

Yesterday, our group went to Jaco and went ziplining through the forest. It was super fun, and I felt very safe the whole time. I was a little nervous at first even though I have already been before, but it turned out great. While I was on one of the ziplines a Macaw flew about 50 feet in front of me and landed on a nearby tree. It was so beautiful, that I almost didn't believe it happened! I wish I could have snapped a picture of it.

Some of the group!

After we went ziplining, we were all staving. We went to this little buffet style Costa Rican place, and the food was actually delicious! From there, we were supposed to go to the beach and spend a few hour there, but the bus we were on got a flat tire, so that put a dent in the time we were able to spend at the beach. Once we finally made it there though it was beautiful! Instead of shells being on the beach, it was filled with washed up coral. I actually went swimming in the ocean (I know, who am i?) and I was having a great time. Then a couple people from my group started getting stung by jellyfish so I decided it was time for me to get out lol.

Playa Blanco Jaco

Once we got home, it was pouring rain in Puntarenas for only the second time since i've been here. Considering that I am here during the "wet/rainy season" and that it's only rained twice is very unusual. Some of the locals here said that this is the hottest/dryest wet season they have had in a very long time, so everyone welcomed the rain. Last night was a pretty fun night, we were going to go do karaoke, but the place ended up being very crowded so me and a couple of friends just walked around town. I ended the night with icecream, and once I got home I headed for bed.

Today I am going to go to town to see if I can find myself a beach towel and some anti-itch cream for my bug bites. Wish me luck!

Lighthouse in Puntarenas

Beach in Puntarenas

Knee Deep - Zac Brown Band
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